Master Thesis on Telecommunication Engeneering
Author: Leonardo Gasparini
Advisor: Dr. Andrea Boni
Co-Advisor: Dr. Giorgio Fontana
Academic Year: 2005/2006
Title: Generating High Accuracy Timing Signals for Time Driven Switching from GPS Receiver Using an FPGA Discrete Filter
MSc Thesis
PhD Dissertation - D.I.T. - Università degli Studi di Trento
Author: Viet-Thang Nguyen
Advisor: Prof. Renato Lo Cigno, Prof. Yoram Ofek
Title: Fractional Lambda Switching - Node Design and Time-blocking Analysis
PhD Thesis
Master Thesis on Telecommunication Engeneering
Author: Matteo Nardelli
Advisor: Prof. Renato Lo Cigno
Co-Advisor: Dr. Danilo Severina
Academic Year: 2005/2006
Title: Sviluppo di un simulatore orientato all'uso di antenne intelligenti in reti 802.11
Joint work of IP-FLOW project and TWELVE project.
MSc Thesis