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Prototipo Terabit/s Switch
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D. Agrawal, M. Baldi, M. Corr�, G. Fontana, G. Marchetto, V. T. Nguyen, Y. Ofek, D. Severina, T. H. Truong, O. Zadedyurina, "Scalable Switching Testbed not "Stopping" the Serial Bit Stream," ICC 2007 - The IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007, Glasgow, Scotland, 24-28 June 2007.

In order to achieve ultra scalable IP packet switching it is essential to minimize �stopping� of the serial bit streams. In our recent experimental work we demonstrated how this can be achieved with an ultra-scalable switching architecture reaching multi-terabits per second (10-100 Tb/s) in a single chassis. The implemented testbed uses only off-the-shelf optical and electronic components. The scalability of this architecture is the direct outcome of how global time (i.e., UTC � coordinated universal time) and pipeline forwarding are utilized. The paper presents the design of a prototype switch and experimental activity with it.

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